I was looking for something to change-up my menu so I thought I would get some pita bread at County Market out on White Oaks Drive. No luck.
I looked in the bread isle, I looked by the cheese where they have tortillas, I even looked down the isle where they have the special taco seasonings and Chinese food items. They had more taco shells and tortillas, but I still couldn't find any Pita bread.
I wondered what would happen if I bothered to track someone down and ask.
One might say "No we're out of them, nobody was buying them so we stopped carrying it."
I would not be surprised if that were the case, I was prepared with a response for just that kind of scenario. I think I know why nobody was buying Pita bread.
Because the public has been sold on the false idea that you are supposed to wrap Pita bread around your food. Specifically, by industries that don't have the capacity to competitively produce Pita bread.
For a while, people probably bought pita bread and tried to wrap it around their food and thought "This is stupid!" they would say, "It's just as easy to wrap a tortilla around it!"
People would get frustrated just trying to eat it that way, even when it's made for them at a fast-food restaurant.
That is the whole idea! Drive a wedge between the public and pita bread, so tortilla manufacturers will rule the market! (pardon me while I adjust my tin-foil hat...)
You're not supposed to wrap pita brad around your food dumb-ass! Your supposed to split the edge of the pita bread and it will open up like a pocket! You then stuff it and eat it!
And that's my best guess as to why County Market out on White Oaks Drive doesn't have pita bread.